There was a pretty grey parakeet who had learned to recognize human things - triangle shapes and car keys and the color blue - and to speak the words for them. This little parakeet worked so hard to remember these things, and it had an efficient faraway female voice like a telephone operator in Texas. The parakeet made me realize how hard it is to learn anything in life, and even then, there's no guarantee you might need it.
Raamatukogu Douglas Couplandi
Life After God servadele on harilikuga märkmeid tehtud. Olen need teinud mina kunagi varasemal laenutusel või on need teinud keegi teine? Ma loen ja loen ja loen ning iga kord leian uued kohad kus ma ei näe enam sõnu vaid tunnen ära ühe eelmise elu, ühel teisel ajal ühes teises kohas, ja ikka seesama.
Helista siis.
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